Thursday 25 June 2015

The Day Starts With Troubles

Life is full of troubles. Well how many times have you heard this? Honestly I hear this every
second day because someone or the other is in trouble regularly. And as soon as the term
teenager is associated with you… your problems increase manifold. But do you also think that
teenagers have more problems than the others. I don’t think so.
I feel that a teenage life is totally overrated. Our mom and dad are under lot more pressure than
we are. But still it’s just the people from our age group who crib. Ask any teenager and he will
tell you how difficult it is to survive in this world of cut-throat competition. But who cares that the
last generation worked without Google, Facebook or Whatsapp or on the whole- the internet.
Move little more years backwards and there was no computer. Did they not survive? Then why
are we cribbing.
I know handling pressure is not easy; but taking stress about it will not find the solution. It’s you
who will have to work hard, force the horses of your brain to do some work and try finding out a
solution. For those problems which don’t have a solution, just do one thing “Let It be”. Is it
difficult? Well... Not according to me.

DISCIPLINE- most of us hate this word. I don’t understand why? Just because we like doing
things our way. It’s not wrong but we need to understand why someone is teaching us to be in
discipline.  They have been through this. Oh yes... That is where the answer lies. They
understand! But we don’t.

Maybe you must be thinking that the person writing this is either crazy or else has a grudge for
teenagers. But none is true. Even I am a teenager. But it’s just that I feel that children my age
totally lack positive thinking. And I am no different.
How does all this make a difference? That is what I thought when I started writing this. I don’t
really have a concrete answer. But you don’t always need a strong reason to learn something
good. Right?