Thursday 9 November 2017

Is It Too Much To Ask ?

All through life we learn so many things. But one thing that most of us are still bad at is accepting ourselves as individuals.
Somehow, we are never taught the right way to channelise the ideas in our minds.
We are always taught to walk the path everyone else took.( even though we romanticise Frost's Road Less Travelled!) Because there is safety in crowds. And so slowly and steadily, the world turns us into sheeps. And that is not where it stops. Because we also learn to hate those who choose to differ from crowd.
In theory, it sounds stupid. Come on, how can somebody force you to do something you don't want to? Aren't we living in a world of 'free will' ?
But can you count all the times in your life when you shied away from taking a decision only because you were afraid of what everybody else might say.
It is very difficult to admit. But your actions are still largely determined by the society you live in.

This is absolutely something we all have heard previously. But i chose to write on it again because i saw kids my age changing themselves to fit in. Doing things they don't like, being with other kids they don't match thoughts with. 
And it's heartbreaking. Because this is taking away their individuality . All that really matters anymore is to stay COOL.
And nobody even knows what that means.
So choose to refuse to be defeated by people's idea of acceptable.
Live life on your own terms. That way, at least you would never have anybody else to blame.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. For success, you have two ways to go..
    Either you can do things differently and succeed or you can go with the flow but do ordinary things extra ordinarily. So just choose the way that won't make u regret the choice and give your 100% to that.

  3. Being a goat in the herd of those sheeps might have inspired you to write upon it.😂😂

    Btw I liked it.

    1. Haha Akshit. Absolutely. It has its own advantages of being called version of goat all through school life. 😂😂
      Thanks much 💙
